Tag Archives: scene

Detail from ACiD Is The Best by King Midas / ACiD, 1996.

By Jashiin, 2002.

Very particular ANSI-style from Jerusalem / Boil, 1998.

Ageema Blues by Avenger / Black Maiden, 2001. Ageema Blues (the netlabel) is still online and has plenty of good soul disco chip noise.

Tribute to Fractal, 2001. Made by Shrimp, a 16-year-old from Jerusalem.

By T-Bob and Konami of MIMIC, early 2000s.

Crappy GIF-animations from a cam-version of a new demo for the 8-bit MSX computer: Amurisus by Lieves!Tuore. Check the original video here.

Fågel by AcidT*rroreast [2013]

Commodore 64 disk directory art (dir art). Wildfire [1997] by Coma, Krestology 100% [1996] by Crest, Arcanum [2000] by Xenon, Revolved [2013] by TRIAD,  +H2K [2000] by Plush, and Deus Ex Machina [2000] by Crest, Oxyron

Skane by Dino [2004]