Tag Archives: poetry

What seems to be a smiley from 1648 (top image), written by the poet Robert Herrick, is most likely not. The same book contained more smilies (bottom image) that indicate that it’s not supposed to be read as an emoticon. See Slate’s article for more examples and information.

From SCORE 4 by Karl Kempton & Loris Essary, 1984.

More Kempton @ text-mode.

Typewriter works by Andrew Topel

By Hrabanus Maurus in the 800s, printed in 1503.

Paris, mai 1924 (?) by Man Ray, 1924.

Sample page from blewointment magazine 1967 featuring poems by Earle Birney and David Frith as well as event listings for Alan Neil Trio and an ad for a bpNichol book.

Speechless #9, edited by Derek Beaulieu, with works by Jesse Ferguson, 2010.

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Illustration by Frere Amer in Transformation, Issue 3, 1952. via

Typewritten poems by Travis Wyche, 2004-2011.

Dom Sylvester Houédard