Tag Archives: 1700s

After complaints about Timothy Dexter’s A Pickle for the Knowing Ones (1797) being entirely devoid of punctuation, in future editions the eccentric businessman supplied a supplemental page so that people “may peper and solt as they please”. via publicdomainreview

Text labyrinth in buginese from 1794, via. Buginese is spoken by millions of people in Indonesia. ᨄᨘᨑᨊᨗᨀᨚᨆᨙᨋᨉᨙᨄ

Jindai moji, supposedly used in Japan in the 17th century, via @tkasasagi.

Text graphics from 1763 . Free positioning of characters to make illustrations, instead of using woodcuts. From the book Medical observations and inquiries / by a Society of physicians in London.

h/t: Daryl Green

Sampler by E. Philips (1761) from the book “”Samplers and Tapestry Embroideries” by Marcus Bourne Huish (The Project Gutenberg)

Juan Díaz Rengifo, “Aquinas” Arte Poetica Española” Barcelona, 1726

Sebastien Truchet, ‘Mémoire sur les Combinaisons’ from ‘Mémoires de l’Academie Royale des Sciences‘ Paris, 1704.

Sébastian Truchet worked with typography, mathematics and graphics and created Truchet tiles. He also designed weapons and most of the channels of France.

Made in Valencia around 1770. Also check out Daniel Rehn’s rework with an 80’s dot matrix printer. More similar things here.

The broadside above is one of a set of four similar typographically-experimental broadsides printed in Valencia in the 1760s and 1770s in the Updike Collection. 


Updated in 2024

The Bear by Johann Leonhard Frisch around 1700. Source