Tag Archives: Australia

Charset Noir by DataDoor, made with a custom PETSCII-font.

Text-mode graphics by Tim Koch
with custom animated characters.

The last one is a remix of a picture by Jellica.



Ray Manta has started to work with custom character sets on the C64. Technically speaking (character encoding) this is all PETSCII, but…

Images from here and here.

Səʊʃəlɪz(ə)m and Broken Totem.

PETSCII by Ray Manta, 2015.

Daphil 2, 1979. Mixed media on metal by Joseph Stanislaus Ostoja-Kotkowski. h/t Tim Koch. via 

Alasdair McLuckie, Untitled (2013)

_​|​ ̄​|​○ by Goto80, with PETSCII design by iLKke. Bottom photo by xyce.

A 1960s crochet pattern framed by Tim Koch.