llustration by Hatsuyama Shigeru (1931), via.
llustration by Hatsuyama Shigeru (1931), via.
Illustration by Christoph Nieman for a book review of Guantánamo Diary in the New York Times.
By hermippe, 2014. Like a mixture of hi-res teletext and pixel art?
h/t: prostheticknowledge. More texty hermippe here.
via siggieggertsson:
#Summer #Sommer #Sumar
‘Samuel Beckett’ -Will Tomlinson drilled holes in MDF board, from the book The fundamentals of Illustration 2nd Edition by Lawrence Zeegen (2012)
By siggieggertsson, who we’ve posted about before.
Delaware in the Mirror, 2004.
Works by Siggi Eggertsson. He’s been working with this textmodey illustration style for about a decade. Plenty more at Siggi Eggertsson dottt com.