Tag Archives: 2000s

Voiceworks from Holly Pester (2009).

2024-update: broken link, but the website is partly at archive.org

原爆ドーム by  CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2007)
Genbaku dome – a dome after the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima, 6th of August, 1945, via

By CTRL+C & CTRL+V  (2009)

Typewriter poems by Henri Chopin, 2003.

By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2007)

Godzilla by  = 。= (2007)

Braille karaoke by Nippon Telesoft. Karaoke-system with braille display for the visually impaired.

Textmode hurdling. Chinese ANSIs from here.

Bill Bissett, via.

Ascii Holiday Cards by Nir Tober (2009)