Tag Archives: animation

EDTA (1986-1996) Minitel Micro servers for Amstrad, via


By illiorzilli (2012)

Infamous rabbits by b’ger (Joris Bellenger) who has more ASCII-animations here.

Boon is a free‌ware horizontal shoot-em-up in which all characters are composed of Shift JIS art.


Unreversable by Masters of of Electric City, 2013. 

Atari ST demo in 96 kilobytes with lots of ASCII, but technically not textmode. youtube.

Demonstrations of Most Complex ASCII Fluid by Yusuke Endoh 2012. The top one is a code calligram, where the code spells out Fluid and then turns itself fluid. Got an honorary mention in the Obfuscated C Code Competition.

youtube + info

By Zwian

The couch cag part of The Simpsons E17S22 uses ASCII.

GIF made from this.