Tag Archives: χχχ

ASCII by Sexii, probably 1990s.

ASCII by b’ger, 1996.

ASCII by gpyy (Glory Py Yip), jnj and VK (Veronica Karlsson) probably in the 1990s?

Startled nude (pr0n80.txt @ asciipr0n, via)

From the BBS Ads Collection, probably all from the 1990s.

Ad for the BBS Wastelands, via. Mid 1990’s.

By Kludgeonsmith, around 1999-2000. (aka pinup 31 and 32 at textfiles.com from asciipr0n.com).

Nude from 1980, copied by Comet, 2001.

The following picture was hand copied from an old printout from a Univac 1100 computer in 1980. Old mainframe printers made each page with 132 columns and 66 lines per page.

hunky08.txt, possibly by vk (Veronica Karlsson)