The Ferret Show, a PETSCII-musical by Goto80, Raquel Meyers and Uwe Schenk and his band. Video, info, graphics.
Cover from Machines At Last (tape, Stichting Stopcontact CC4, 198?). Possibly made on Vic-20? A duo of Paul Shorthouse and Robert Lawrence with synth music.
Bogartmaster [1998] by Poison
‘Fax for Folket’ the book!
66 pages in paperback with works of raquel meyers, goto80, Dan Brännvall and +++.
Buy it here for only 15$.
We’re making some sort of PETSCII musical, with chipmusic performed together with a band. Deep bleeps into outer space and crazy cocktail samba. Stuttgart this saturday!
‘fax & frankering for folket’
Original from “Svenska Narkotikapolisföreningens c64 Tidning #2” C64 Diskmag.
Three mainstream computer heroes, each rendered in a corresponding font. Jack Tramiel (Commodore), Dennis Ritchie (UNIX) and some guy (Apple). Made by SanderFocus, who also makes great pixel art – more here.