Title screen for Framework III (DOS, 1988). Video by @dosnostalgic.
Title screen for Framework III (DOS, 1988). Video by @dosnostalgic.
Works by Andre Krayewski (Andrzej Krajewski), 1970s and 1980s. h/t Marcin Przyłęcki.
The Sysop is busy at Cottonwood BBS, via Dan James (2019). This was an example picture that came with Aaron Hightower’s Digital Paint 2.0 from 1989.
Colourized ASCII art at NASA using an IBM System/370 in 1981, via. Or… EBCDIC art?
“From a 1988 Polish computer magazine” / @mwichary.
The 1986 retina screen: the WY-700 video card/screen gave the PC a 1280×800 resolution, and a text-mode of 160 columns by 50 lines. It had a built-in 16×16 font (download), and you could even use your own custom fonts. The high-res modes only supported greyscale, but who needs colours anyway?
Sources: John Elliot, thecomputerarchive.com, PC Mag.
The Amstrad PC 1640 character set is similar to Code Page 437, but there are a few differences.
The European font of the Sega SC-3000. Notice how curvy the full triangles and slashes are. Images from SMS Power and Saverio Russo.