C64 PETSCII graphics by Uka / G*P.
C64 PETSCII graphics by Uka / G*P.
20 Years Is Nothing.
C64-demo by Hack n Trade 2013. Acid T*rroreast (graphics), Goto80 (sound), Mathman (code). Please watch this on C64 & CRT screen for full pleasure: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=120910 . *Released at BFP 2013
10x Petsci Slideshow by JSL (2013)
PARALLAX View is on-line gallery of animated GIF’s + GIF/Super8 Action for the 55th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, 2013. Animated GIF by Raquel Meyers
Baroque Floppy People – royal antique monockeldata. In the dirty Helltown south in Sweden. Fresh PETSCII graphics by Jucke, Dino and Poison.
BFP 2013 Invite here!.
Our text-mode demo Dansa In is showing today at the UCLA Game Art Festival in Los Angeles. 44 kilobytes is enough to tell a good story, aiit?
A story with pirates, sloths and sex told completely in text graphics. A blocky and brutal visual aesthetic synchronized with explosives, drunken funk and computer screams. All made in 44 kilobytes, to be executed by a Commodore 64 and its colourful ASCII-alternative called PETSCII. Visuals by Raquel Meyers, audio by Goto80 and coding by Johan Kotlinski.