Tag Archives: animation

Knitoscope Testimonies by Cat Mazza, 2006. An animation in cross stitch of interviews with various individuals working within the labor movement. via.

ASCII scan from the Sci-Fi movie The Andromeda Strain by Robert Wise, 1971.

Nice to Meet You by Delaware, 2004. Music & animation for Shockwave.

Downstream by Critica, 2012. Ambitious out-of-grid ASCII-animation for IBM corporate talk. 2024-update: this might be Critica?

ATASCII animation by Alan Kirk, 1986. Also uses custom characters. More info & ATASCII-videos at Break Into Chat.

Real-time video conversion into variable size text blocks by Sebastien Chevren, 2010.

Knit for Defense by Cat Mazza, 2012. An experimental animation created from knit stitches.

Jan Dybala ASCII-video for a Charles Bukowski text (?).

Music video by Dom & Simon Taylor for SJD’s Baby You’re Oh So, 2010. Nice combination of video-to-ASCII, illustration and code. 

All displayable Unicode characters, one for each frame. Made by Jörg Piringer. It shows 49571 characters, compared to decodeunicode’s that shows 51,980. Possibly because he only uses one font? (Helvetica)

More info (and free poster)