By Severija Inčirauskaitė, 2016. More of her work here.
By Severija Inčirauskaitė, 2016. More of her work here.
Embroidery from Tarnoga in the Arkhangelsk region in Russia.
Embroidery from the Vologda region.
All of the above were made in the late 1800s and early 1900s. (source)
By clayismyart.
Dillmont, Th. de, ed.
D.M.C. Point de Marque [5] 5me Serié, Mulhouse, Dollfus Mieg & Cie (first pub c.1920), via.
Dillmont, Th. de, ed.
D.M.C. Point de Marque [4] IVme Série. Mulhouse, Dollfus-Mieg & Cie., [first pub c. 1900, this printing c.1934, 20 pgs.] Via.