Tag Archives: spain

esperanto teletext english lessons advertisment at Atresmedia (spanish TV channel)

Atresmedia (spanish TV channel) teletext character set page with ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß!

Teletext culture section at Atresmedia (Spanish TV channel)

Teletext love club at Tele 5 (spanish TV channel)

Teletext oracle at Cuatro (spanish TV channel)

Teletext dedications at Cuatro (Spanish TV channel)

Teletext character set error Cuatro (spanish TV channel)


Live Type in PETSCII animation on Commodore 64 by Raquel Meyers.
Track: Tacocat – Crimson Wave | Hardly Art Records

 #Vol2 Hits With Tits  in PETSCII-O-Rama

Perpetuo SocorroCalvarioElsa de Alfonso y Los PrestigioPaisanaSummerisleBombón#MuerteMortalDie Katapult • Pega Monstro • PL Girls • Malvan Roses • Las Cruces, MadridSección FemeninaVioleta VilGhost CarSol MarianelaLos Chicos ProblemaGurr

Chicas del ‪#‎teletexto‬ / Spanish ‪#‎teletext‬ girls (TV channels Atresmedia + Telecinco)

Spanish #teletext‬ advertising from Telecinco (TVE, 1988)
Thnks Pablo Lajo / Serie B.