Tag Archives: 2017

Line-drawings (a) converted by two ASCII-converters (b,c), by a new deep learning technique (d) and by “artist” (e). You can try the deep ASCII converter on the web and read the recently published article here. Or at Motherboard.

Two Matisse paintings (Dance & Music) in PETSCII by Ackport for Mistigris 1117.

Sten Lex’s work for Auditorio Luis Elizondo in Monterrey, Mexico. Seems to have taken about 50 days of work. Now who’s going to do this in textmode…?

Jellica’s cosmic wolf in hebrew teletext, and remixed by Ray Manta with a custom PETSCII font.

Starbucks making 5% ASCII art by mistake, via NWPlayer123.

C64 PETSCII by Emil, 5 years old. More of his works here.

By Yaco (Tumblr). h/t Tim Koch.

ASCII art and deep learning?

My paper “ASCII Art Synthesis with Convolutional Networks” (DeepAA) is accepted by NIPS2017 Workshop for Machine Learning for Creativity and Design!

More info here, code at GitHub.