Tag Archives: drawing

Latin-1 Drawing by Enda O’Donoghue.

Theo van Doesburg / Female nude with Hand on Her Head. 1917

A 1960s crochet pattern framed by Tim Koch.

Susan Kare’s notebook with Apple’s bitmap images.

Pages from Ben Nicholson’s sketchbook (2005). Labyrinths, France 13th century and Meander folding, 8th century Greek Geometric Vase. Thanks to bitcraft lab for the tip.

 Three kinds of lines and all their combinations  by Sol LeWitt (1973).

Dendrite by Owen Schuh, 2011. via

A drawing by the pioneering computer artist Masao Komura, from 1968. It’s called Optical Effect of Inequality. (via betonbabe) ) —-___))))

By Guy de Cointet, 1971-1978.

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