Tag Archives: art

“I found this really weird file in psp.exe, it has what almost looks like massive ascii art” / cantanopeshitthatwastaken

A 10-foot room made from tape in 4 colours by Megan Geckler and a team of crafters. Via Creators Project.

While the end result of the artwork looks very digital and fabricated, when you see it in person, it becomes immediately obvious that this was crafted and you are aware of the amount of man-hours if must have taken to create.

All the PETSCII-fans go |​ ̄

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Eternal Portraits

Art project by Brian House are framed pieces of Facebook Facial Recognition data of users (thus, a portrait of users characteristics):

Facebook uses face recognition software to identify its users in photos. This works via a ‘template’ of your facial features that is created from your profile images. These features — the distance between your eyes, the symmetry of your mouth — generally do not change over time. Unlike a photograph, which captures some ephemeral expression of who you are at a particular moment, a face recognition template forever remains your portrait. It is all possible photos, taken and untaken, by which you, or someone else, might document your life.

These templates are Facebook’s proprietary data. For a brief period in 2013, users could access their template using the “Download a copy of your Facebook data” option in the settings (it is no longer included in the download). The information is unusable in its raw form without knowing the specifics of Facebook’s algorithm. But as an irrevocable corporate byproduct, the future implications of such data remain unclear.

Eternal Portraits is a series of printed and framed face recognition template data from our friends and ourselves.

More at Brian’s website here

Richard Paul Lohse ‘15 systematische Farbreihen mit’ (1955-69)

Bravely Vanish by Greg MacLaughlin.

LEF II/6 (1924) [ЛЕФ] (1924), the journal of the Left Front of the Arts.

Theo van Doesburg / Press card. May 1917-November 1918.

Theo van Doesburg / Female nude with Hand on Her Head. 1917

Theo van Doesburg / Study for Composition VIII (The Cow). 1918 (?)