Tag Archives: magazine

The results are in for the First International Computer Drawn Dragon Contest, 1979! These are all PETSCII-graphics made on the Commodore PET. The winner, Tom Weller from Berkeley, California, typed these graphics by hand as PRINT statements in BASIC. The other contributions were made by Steve and Tom Wuttke, 9 and 12 years old.

From Recreational Computing Vol 8, Issue 43, November 1979.

Ad for the Scanset XL terminal in BYTE Magazine, 1983. h/t: Tim Koch

Archistorm Hors-Série #39 designed by Philippe Apeloig, 2019.

More Apeloig posts

The cover of the French Le Charivari magazine 27 February, 1834. It is pear-shaped because the magazine’s owner, Charles Philipon, had been taken to court for depicting king Louis-Philippe I as a rotting pear. Ironically, the king had just previously proclaimed the freedom of the press and lost the case.

Image and info, via Wikipedia

From MAD Magazine, 1965. via rainemanisfake

Typographic faces in The Strand magazine, England, March 1909. from yesterdaysprint

The bottom ones are very similar to these emoticons from 1881.

LEF II/6 (1924) [ЛЕФ] (1924), the journal of the Left Front of the Arts.

Micro User Volume 4 Number 12, February 1987, via.

Carola Häggkvist, a famous Swedish schlager-lady, made in textmode with custom characters on a Texas TI/99 by Yvonne Thorfve, 1984.

Source: Allt om hemdatorer, Issue 1, 1984

Mini-Quadro, a C64 BASIC game by Michael Scheuner with PETSCII that looks like cross-stitch. From the German magazine 64’er, july 1990.