Tag Archives: 2012

ANSI-style music video for Com Truise – Terminal, made by myk31 (Mykola Dosenko), 2012. via @sixteencolors who also mentions Beck’s ASCII video from 2004.

Also see

Documentation from this live A/V set with graphics by Raquel Meyers.

A collection of typographic portraits (2012) using one font (family) for each image. Made by Tiaré Jung, Camille Segur, Kira Campbell, Kymberly Eppich and Sarah Eno.

ASCII t-shirt by Philip Grisewood, 2012. From  here and here.

Oso by Acid T*rroreast (Raquel Meyers) Mathman (Johan Kotlinski) and Goto80 (Johnny Location). Released in 2012. C64-executable here.

If you’re in Göteborg this weekend, you can see us perform this live with other C64-works. More info.

Pages for the International Teletext Art Festival 2012 by Raquel Meyers

More nice semi-PETSCII from Max Capacity, 2012.

Godzilla semi-PETSCII from Max Capacity, 2012.

ANSI-like graphics by Skycstls, 2012. Probably custom characters? Found at atochip (broken link).

Some of Max Capacity‘s contributions for the International Teletext Art Festival (ITAF) 2012.