Tag Archives: SharpSCII

Gipsy danger from Pacific Rim made in MZ-700 SharpSCII by Youkan, 2013.

An interpretation of what the game Gauntlet could have looked like for the MZ-700. Made by GomaSP in 2007.

(Post updated in 2024)


不思議の森のアドベンチャー, a text adventure by BOND SOFT, via

MZ-700 graphics by Youkan. More Youkan here.

STRIP POKER, a game for MZ-700 by Jean François Campan.

よくわかんないけどこんな感じだろうか which translates to “I don’t really understand, but I guess it’s something like this”. Youkan, 2013.

This seems like Youkan’s re-interpretation of a screen in the 1980s game カンニング大作戦. More Youkan here.