Tag Archives: animation

2 hour video that shows all the 109,242 characters of Unicode 6.0. Made by the decodeunicode crew, apparently independent from the one that Jörg Piringer did.

By Rootcat, who´s been working with his characteristic ASCII-style for several years now. Visit his ASCII-tagged Tumblr-posts here.

Bleeding Kansas – This Song Will F**k You. Music video by Moses Venegas, 2008. Plays with grid size and resolution.

KBP-Reconfigure by A. Bill Miller, 2010.

artificial_neural_network by Michael Esser, 2011. Great audio synchronization and some off-grid 3D-parts.

Animations by Delaware, 2005.

excel_agent by Owi Mahn, 2012. Animation made in Microsoft Excel.

Class by Brian Hastings, 1986. ATASCII animation on Atari 800 that won the Atari ‘Toons contest in the ANTIC magazine. They call it cursor art.

More videos and info at Break Into Chat.

PETSCII snow animation by fakewaffles.

A Dream I Guess (ASCII-version) by reaktorplayer, 2011.