Tag Archives: 1990s

More Digitiser from the moleman.freeserve.co.uk site.

Digitiser, a British teletext magazine, 1993-2003. It used surreal language, strange humour, fake advertising and made fun of contributors. There is a video of this issue here. Super Page 58 has saved some of the texts. Wikipedia has more information. Pictures from gearforgold & luizalfonso.

Joseph D. Crum, via.

George Ramos, via.

ANSI by Michael Arnett, via. Probably early 1990’s.

-=[ hamster ]=- 2/98  by Joan Stark

Two ANSIs by MCL (aka Michael C. Ling). Possibly made ca 1990. More MCL at sixteencolors.net.

Athos Bulcão (1918-2008).

By George Ramos (1992), via.

ANSI art by Ebony Eyes, via.