Tag Archives: 2000s

More Digitiser from the moleman.freeserve.co.uk site.

“Choujuu-jinbutsu-giga” (12th c.-13th c.)
by = 。= : 2009-08-31 12:28

Details from Schwipp Schwapp by Sibbi and Der Euf of Black Maiden, 2000.

“UFO in mesh” by Akiyoshi Kitaoka (2000).

= 。= : 2008-10-27 14:53

CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-01-27 04:18

囲炉裏 – Irori by  CTRL+C & CTRL+V  (2007).
Giko and Shiee are frying and eating mochi (rice cake) and boiling something in a pan.

Massive Attack visuals by UVA, most likely from 2003. Oh lord what a big ASCII!

By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2007).

Djurens rymd [2005] by Dino