Tag Archives: japan

Various poems by Niikuni Seiichi, who lived 1925-1977. More of her works here.

“[pierre/鳩]” [rock/pigeon]

“[coq/桜]” [cock/cherry blossom]

“Shizu me ru tera 沈める寺” [Sinking Temple]

All works by Niikuni Seiichi & Pierre Garnier, 1966-1977, taken from Interlingual Encounter in Pierre Garnier and Niikuni Seiichi’s French-Japanese Concrete Poetry by Elaine S. Wong, 2015.


Serpenti (100 colors no.50) by Emmanuelle Moureaux, 2023.

By Shunsuke Takawo, 2023.

From TwitAA_bot.

From TwitAA_bot

It’s a mouse, Tintin.

Snippets from Masanobu Hiraoka’s video for Titanium 2 Step by Battles, 2019. Full video here.

 葵 徳川三代 より徳川秀忠(西田敏行)と徳川家康(津川雅彦)by @rich_beatle