Tag Archives: textile

Rouyer, A./ Recuéil de Motifs et d’Alphabets Coloriés pour travaux en tapisserie, No. 401. (Paris,c.1880?). Via.


Octubre 2012: Bordando la 2a parte en el puente de encima del túnel de la Rovira enfrente del Espai Jove Boca Nord.

Kufic calligraphy 2 by Fatima Graham in Needlepoint, via.

The 1800s Jacquard looms and its punched cards. Images from around the interwebz.

Textile design book, 1898, via


Sven Markelius, textile design Pythagoras, 1953. NKs Textilkammare, Sweden. Via Jacksons.se. The architect Markelius met Gropius on visiting the bauhaus in 1927 and was highly impressed by the ideas of modernism.

Knitoscope Testimonies (2006) by Cat Mazza, via.
An animation in cross stitch of interviews with various individuals working within the labor movement.

Sixe Paredes. “Futurismo Ancestral”. Exhibition at Somerset House in London, via.

Knit for Defense (2012) by CAT MAZZA.
An experimental animation created from knit stitches.