Märta mossa by Zheng Bo, 2023. Moss-rendition of a detail from Märta Måås Fjetterström’s Hästhagen, 1923. High-res photo available here.
Märta mossa by Zheng Bo, 2023. Moss-rendition of a detail from Märta Måås Fjetterström’s Hästhagen, 1923. High-res photo available here.
Unerasable Characters I-III, by Winnie Soon 2020-2022. The project collects censored posts from Weibo, China’s biggest social media platform, and produces various output with it. The book is generative but unreadable and asks the question: is this book illegal? Unerasable Characters II displays censored posts on a grid for as long as they were online at Weibo. Unerasable Characters III is an interactive web piece that shows unreadable renditions of censored posts made during the Covid-19 outbreak.
PETSCII in 3D by PET.CORP at Offlimits, Hong Kong. Full video here
Some of PET.CORP’s works from this PETSCII exhibition in Hong Kong.
Xeme from Hong Kong painting in the rice fields of Bali.
Hong Kong buildings, photos by Michael Wolf.
Structure-based ASCII Art ( Xuemiao Xu, Linling Zhang and Tien-Tsin Wong). ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010 issue), Vol. 29, No. 4, July 2010, pp. 52:1-52:9.