Matches for: “raquel meyers” …

Teletext Monster Girl t-shirt by Raquel Meyers, available at society6.

‘Fingers of Doom’ by Raquel Meyers (2015).
Type in animation on C64. Music by Dan Brännvall & coding by Johan Kotlinski.
Showed at HeK@Liste Art FairPEBKAC IMHO.

‪’Teletext‬ Monster Girl’ by Raquel Meyers
TOTE BAG 16″ X 16″  at Society6. Get it here!

PETSCII artwork by Raquel Meyers for the new Jellica’s release ‘Untitled Game Boy EP’. Get it here!

PETSCII logo for 8 Bit Klubben (Copenhagen) by raquel meyers (2015).
Tonight 8bitklubben Fest / Svensk All-star Team med Nordloef + Boomlinde + Salkinitzor (S), Raquel Meyers (S/ES), Bitluder (DK), MOTORSAW (DK).

Piksel13 (2014) Performance – Mind The Volcano! ( Raquel Meyers & Goto80)
Live C64 performance & Teletext
Via #internetarchive


Live Type in PETSCII animation on Commodore 64 by Raquel Meyers.
Track: Tacocat – Crimson Wave | Hardly Art Records

 #Vol2 Hits With Tits  in PETSCII-O-Rama

Perpetuo SocorroCalvarioElsa de Alfonso y Los PrestigioPaisanaSummerisleBombón#MuerteMortalDie Katapult • Pega Monstro • PL Girls • Malvan Roses • Las Cruces, MadridSección FemeninaVioleta VilGhost CarSol MarianelaLos Chicos ProblemaGurr

’35 Years of ORF TELETEXT‘ in Ars Electronica Center (Linz) with works from ITAF 2013 and 2014.
Artists: Daniel Egg, Dan Farrimond, LIA, Raquel Meyers, Goto80, Nadine Arbeiter, Kathrin Günter, Cordula Ditz, Dragan Espenschied, Juha van Ingen, Jarkko Räsänen, Kim Asendorf, Michael Borras aka Systaime, Internet Acronyms: Anne Horel and Erkka Nissinen.

‘Secretary. Part 1’ by  Raquel Meyers
A typewriter live performance  at TYPE IN workshop & exhibition (LOVELACE – POETICAL SCIENCE + C4 projects, Copenhagen 2014)

Commodore 64, #PETSCII typewriter animation by Raquel Meyers
music by Dan Brännvall / code by Johan Kotlinski.