Tag Archives: usa

Minitel action. Photo by Kevin Driscoll.

All American BBS – a software to run your own bulletin board. The American way! It’s still in use, for example at Borderline BBS. More info. via

By Aaron Marcus using Fortran on a PDP-10, 1972-1974. via

Susan Kare’s notebook with Apple’s bitmap images.

Knit for Defense by Cat Mazza, 2012. An experimental animation created from knit stitches.

Acrylic paintings by Erik den Breejen, 2011-2014. From his Tumblr.

Devils Postpile, USA. Nature’s own hexagonal tessellations, square blocks and straight pillars.

The same program, written in five different programming languages. It writes Hello World! on the screen.


Word processor art by Renée Farrar, 2014. Made in MS Word for a final project of a media archaeology course. Also see the Media Archaeology Lab.

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World’s Largest Lite-Brite by Mark Beekman, 2007. A recreation of DaVinci’s Last Supper using 125,000 Lite-brite pegs.