Tag Archives: petscii

The 10PRINT program running on a Commodore PET, posted by Trammel Hudson, @qrs. 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1));:GOTO 10

C-64 PETSCII-logos by Shine, 2017-2019.

Some of PET.CORP’s works from this PETSCII exhibition in Hong Kong.

The Sysop is busy at Cottonwood BBS, via Dan James (2019). This was an example picture that came with Aaron Hightower’s Digital Paint 2.0 from 1989.

Recent PETSCII works by Raquel Meyers.

A C64-tracker on a shirt with a QR-code that points to a music album: Shirbum. Made by PET.CORP and Goto80. Available here.

1 year of PETSCII-bots in 4,5 seconds by Cal Skuthorpe.