Matches for: “knowlton” …

Nude aka Computer Nudes aka Studies in Perception by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon, 1966. While this is often called the first ASCII art piece, it doesn’t use any ASCII characters, and it was preceded by for example Digital Mona Lisa (1964).

Some hi-res scans here, thx to chicasyordinadores 4 the link. Also see this.

100 years ago today, the first crossword puzzle was published, according to Smithsonian (1). In Ukraine Serhiy Petyuk decorated a house with a crossword puzzle, where you can see the letters only at the night (2). Ken Knowlton and Frank Longo made the portrait crossword (3). Christian Svanes Kolding made the QR-crossword (4).

thx 2 nerdcore for the head’s up

The earliest known ASCII art so far? That wasn’t pr0n? Unknown author. From compart:

Done on Carnegie-Mellon University’s Bendix G-21 computer with a standard uppercase character set. Programs written in ALGOL.

Created mid 1960s

Artwork Type: print


print, b/w, computer-generated

More 1960s ASCII art

Kenneth Knowlton, Statue of Liberty and Lazarus’ Poem” 1986

Mosaics by Ken Knowlton, 1990’s.

Poem Field #7 by Stanley VanDerBeek and Kenneth C. Knowlton, 1968. Text-based computer animation made in Bell Labs.

Nude by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon, 1966. Contrary to popular belief, it does not use ASCII characters but various pictograms. In 1967 the image was printed in The New York Times, and it was exhibited at one of the earliest computer art exhibitions, The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age, at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, 1968.

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