Made by Jens Jørgen Hansen, 2015. Photos from his Flickr, via.
Made by Jens Jørgen Hansen, 2015. Photos from his Flickr, via.
Prosodia Danicæ Linguæ by Peder Jensen Roskilde, 1627. More here.
By Tameem Sankari, with PETSCII characters (mostly?), 2022/2023.
By Tameem Sankari, with PETSCII characters (mostly?), 2022/2023.
From Danni Storm‘s exhibition W(ord)s & Weavings, which just finished in Copenhagen. Typed on a Brother Deluxe 220 typewriter.
Album covers remade in the (post-)textmode tool Glyph Drawing by students at KADK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Thanks to Heikki Lotvonen for sharing.
Stupid robot executes that 10print program. Video here. By Goto80.