Tag Archives: 2012

International Teletext Art Festival (ITAF), shown on the Finnish YLE Teletext pages 525-545, 8 March – 8 April, 2012. Available online.



TELETEXT evening at XL Art Space / Indian Summer
The opening event of the International Teletext Art Festival (ITAF) takes place on Thursday, March 8, at 6–9 pm at XL Art Space. Inspired by the 30st anniversary of Teletext in Finland FixCcooperative (www.fixc.fi) has produced an International Teletext ArtFestival in collaboration with YLE. Participating artists include: Ashley Anderson, Dave Needham, Dan Farrimond, Rich Oglesby, MaxCapacity, Bym, Raquel Meyers and Janne Suni.  www.fixc.fi/itaf

Brand new iPhone app…


“Press play, go fullscreen and lie down. 2SLEEP1(2011) is a 66-minute playlist of audiovisual performances in text mode, designed to make you fall asleep. Made by Raquel Meyers and Goto80.”

chipflip.org, via Mike M.

pxl is an app by Rainier Kohlberger from 2012 that converts photos to textmodey graphics, trixels, and other modes. More screens here.

By masakara1up (2012). From here.


10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1);: GOTO 10 (2012)

Piece of code in the Commodore 64 manual, used in a small digital art show called ‘Codings’ at the Pace Digital Gallery, New York, which looks at code, text and digital art:

A 3-line version of this program appeared in the original Commodore 64 User’s guide:

20 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)
30 GOTO 20

This is one of many short basic programs, for this and other computers, that have been entered by users seeking to puzzle their friends, to learn more about computing, and to see aesthetically pleasing output.

You can find out more about the show here

[sad confession – I never knew there was an easy bit of code to do this on a Commodore … I discovered the effect myself, but did it manually, typing the two characters myself at random …]

This led to the 10print book.

Alpaca (2012)

exq=.s.te =n.c&de;/s8 (aka crashtxt) by the anonymous artist Jim Punk, 2012 and onwards.

Updated in 2024.

eatwolf by Raquel Meyers. Also faxed!