Tag Archives: petscii

PETSCII cat by Emily Pixels, via. Hi-res, with custom colours.

PETSCII-ANSI… sort of. By Polyducks 2016/2017.

Space Diva by Wile Coyote. It’s a disk directory for C-64, so not all PETSCII characters can be used. Competes in the first “directory art” competition, running until March 31.


Skeletons and Candlesticks

petscii conversion with Playscii

two versions … look for the hearts

It’s so much PETSCII that it’s almost not PETSCII anymore.

Ray Manta has started to work with custom character sets on the C64. Technically speaking (character encoding) this is all PETSCII, but…

Images from here and here.

America’ by Electric. C64 PETSCII.

PETSCIIBERLIN does posters and postcards of famous Berlin icons.

We are all ejected, by Archmage. C64 PETSCII.