Feelgood and Morph. C64 disk directory art by jab, who used to make ANSI-graphics.
Feelgood and Morph. C64 disk directory art by jab, who used to make ANSI-graphics.
Space Diva by Wile Coyote. It’s a disk directory for C-64, so not all PETSCII characters can be used. Competes in the first “directory art” competition, running until March 31.
The disk directory of the
_| ̄|○ C64 music disk, and a file listing at Antidote BBS where it was first uploaded. More GIFs here, video here, music here.
Commodore 64 disk directory art (dir art). Wildfire [1997] by Coma, Krestology 100% [1996] by Crest, Arcanum [2000] by Xenon, Revolved [2013] by TRIAD, +H2K [2000] by Plush, and Deus Ex Machina [2000] by Crest, Oxyron