Back to the PET by Shiru, 2022. A textmode demo for the Commodore PET computer from 1977.
Back to the PET by Shiru, 2022. A textmode demo for the Commodore PET computer from 1977.
Graffiti-inspired ANSI, PETSCII and XBIN works by Smooth, 2022. Extra large resolution on some of these (160 chars wide).
Formula PETSCII, a C64-demo by Performers, 2022.
蛮, 2022.
ジェニファー・ムラクモ (very NSFW link)
Feelgood and Morph. C64 disk directory art by jab, who used to make ANSI-graphics.
Light and Space by Robert Irwin at Kraftwerk Berlin, 2022. He passed away the next year. Previously.