Tag Archives: germany


MEMOBLAST, a group performance in a fax-based office by Raquel Meyers, Jacob Sikker Remin and Goto80.
Today at TransmedialeHaus der Kulturen der Welt
17:00 to 22:00 – Café Global stage

Please fax at +49 30 39787 288.

P-159-A by Manfred Mohr, 1974.

Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Turm, 1976.

The mail art of Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt.

Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt: Kubisch, 1978. Born in 1932 in Wurzen, Saxony, Ruth is one of only a few female artists from the former DDR.

χχχ teletext from the German TV channel VOX.

Black Maiden logo by Avenger & Mr Wong, 2000.

‘Skyscrapers on Transparent Yellow’, ca. 1929 by Josef Albers. Via.

a:f aka Andreas Freise

ARD-Text-Kunstwettbewer in the 30th anniversary of teletext in Germany (Das Erste, 2010).