Tag Archives: petscii

Virtual reality in PETSCII on a PET, with stereoscopic goggles built from two iPhones. Made by Michael Hill, based on his PETpix from 2012.

via hackaday

PETSCII logo for 8 Bit Klubben (Copenhagen) by raquel meyers (2015).
Tonight 8bitklubben Fest / Svensk All-star Team med Nordloef + Boomlinde + Salkinitzor (S), Raquel Meyers (S/ES), Bitluder (DK), MOTORSAW (DK).

Nietzsche, MTV and Simpsons in PETSCII, by Pixel8or.

Piksel13 (2014) Performance – Mind The Volcano! ( Raquel Meyers & Goto80)
Live C64 performance & Teletext
Via #internetarchive

_​|​ ̄​|​○ by Goto80, with PETSCII design by iLKke. Bottom photo by xyce.

Automatic Gentleman. PETSCII by Ilesj, released last weekend.

D.J. Szenfeld@Flipyap (via twitter)

Grim Fandango Demastered, or: How I learned that being good at ANSI art can look like being bad at pixel art. #EDSCII


Live Type in PETSCII animation on Commodore 64 by Raquel Meyers.
Track: Tacocat – Crimson Wave | Hardly Art Records

 #Vol2 Hits With Tits  in PETSCII-O-Rama

Perpetuo SocorroCalvarioElsa de Alfonso y Los PrestigioPaisanaSummerisleBombón#MuerteMortalDie Katapult • Pega Monstro • PL Girls • Malvan Roses • Las Cruces, MadridSección FemeninaVioleta VilGhost CarSol MarianelaLos Chicos ProblemaGurr

Commodore 64, #PETSCII typewriter animation by Raquel Meyers
music by Dan Brännvall / code by Johan Kotlinski.

Bilaga limited editions Issue #3 / Raquel Meyers
Unique lacer-cut ‪#‎teletext‬ and a very special print edition of ‘we live in a time of monsters’