Bleeding Kansas – This Song Will F**k You. Music video by Moses Venegas, 2008. Plays with grid size and resolution.
Bleeding Kansas – This Song Will F**k You. Music video by Moses Venegas, 2008. Plays with grid size and resolution.
Web-based Lite-Brite experiment by Ty Wilkins, 2009.
KBP-Reconfigure by A. Bill Miller, 2010.
Xbin art by Knocturnal for 1980 by Blocktronics, 2014.
Class by Brian Hastings, 1986. ATASCII animation on Atari 800 that won the Atari ‘Toons contest in the ANTIC magazine. They call it cursor art.
More videos and info at Break Into Chat.
Made with the Camlink Vision 500 titler, via rhizomedotorg
Possibly an example of a smiley from 1862: “(applause and laughter ;)”. From a transcript in the New York Times of an Abraham Lincoln speech.