Tag Archives: usa

From the website of 8bit bEtty, 2014.

BBS-graphics by Lord Catavision, 1989. C64 PETSCII.

BBS-animation by Lord Catavision, 1989. C64 PETSCII.

From SCORE 4 by Karl Kempton & Loris Essary, 1984.

More Kempton @ text-mode.

Typewriter works by Andrew Topel

-=[ Easter design ]=-  3/01 by joan stark

-=[rabbits]=- 8/97  by Joan Stark

Mosaic pattern blocks by Atelier Fischer, from here.

Typewriter works by Hobart Reese. Portraits of President Harding, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks scanned from Science and Invention magazine, March 1922 via.

Nude aka Computer Nudes aka Studies in Perception by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon, 1966. While this is often called the first ASCII art piece, it doesn’t use any ASCII characters, and it was preceded by for example Digital Mona Lisa (1964).

Some hi-res scans here, thx to chicasyordinadores 4 the link. Also see this.