Tag Archives: usa

Bee hives! The steel panels are hexagonal (nature’s own text mode) and they have triangular holes to let light in. Made by Courtney Creenan, Kyle Mastalinski, Daniel Nead, Lisa Stern and Scott Selin.

via dezeen


Teletext screens by maxcapacity. More here.

Rugs and dhurries by Inigo Elizalde, from his COLLECTION III series. Photos from COVER. More pictures on his website.

Made 800 years ago by the Pueblo peoples. The style has been called Mesa Verde Black-on-White, and Snowflake Black-on-White (not sure if it’s the same thing?).

Sources: 1 / 2 / 3

Printed log-in screens from Phantasmal Alchemy, an Atari BBS in the mid 1980s. Made in Atari’s own ascii-standard ATASCII. 

The BBS started rather humbly, but eventually grew to encompass a large assortment of 8-bit hardware, including two 20MB hard drives.  Which, for Atari 8-bit stuff was pretty much infinite storage back then. :) The BBS was quite popular in Southeastern Connecticut, and I met many people through the BBS that I am still friends with to this day. 

More here. Spotted by @vectorbunny.

Carl Andre, then I pulled his gun and I, 1975. Via.

A. Bill Miller working on his Gridworks exhibition for Transfer Gallery, 2013.

More Miller posts

Madonna and Child in The Best of Creative Computing Volume 1, 1976. via.

Dendrite by Owen Schuh, 2011. via

Detail from ACiD Is The Best by King Midas / ACiD, 1996.