Karel Martens, 2018.
Karel Martens, 2018.
Maakhaven Display, designed by Lennarts & De Bruijn 2018.
By mthw 2010, originally posted in this thread. Made with Melly’s ASCII-Paint (like this one) and it seems to not be a standard ANSI in terms of colours, charset and font. via
Braintree was branded with Courier ASCII art back in 2014/2015 with ads, posters, videos, games, etc. We’ve posted about before. More images and videos available in Jason Rosenberg’s posts here and here.
Ian Parberry’s experiments with coloured ASCII in high (text) resolutions. One image uses 3 colours, and the other 4. Made in 2011.
Another experiment by Parberry in 2012.
Three-color ASCII Art gives you the option of rearranging the order of the CMY triples to give an embedded texture that is only visible at middle distances. The texture disappears when viewed from long distances. Once again, click on the images for a larger version.
More examples are available here. Parberry has made lots of experiments with colours and resolutions in ASCII-conversions. He also made typewriter art in the 1970s, as previously posted.
Karel Martens‘ work for Guy’s Hospital Cancer Centre in London, 2016.
Eindspelkunst Studies van dam en drie schijven tegen dam en schijf, designed by Lennarts & De Bruijn, 2018.
Calcula by Shiva Nallaperumal and Tal Leming, 2017. A square kufic typeface that has thousands of ligatures to change the letter according different combinations.
Amiga ASCII by Hellbeard, 2014. Taken from New Horizons (for Impure 1940) and To build a fire (and keep it going) (for Divine Stylers).