Micro User Volume 4 Number 12, February 1987, via.
Micro User Volume 4 Number 12, February 1987, via.
BBC’s CEEFAX service, as detailed by the index printed in the Radio Times, 2-8 February 1980. Via.
Teletex pages from Channel 4 and ITV (1995), via.
Ceefax press release dating from 1977 charts the first three years of the world’s first ever teletext service, via.
Ferguson’s teletext, from EMI’s Thorn Group shows the state of the teletext art in June 1980, via.
Frames from the animation movie ‘The Thief and the Cobbler’ by Richard Williams, who worked 28 years on the project, beginning production in 1964. Watch the full movie here.
#teletextartoftheday #teletext Lukashajek, Rabbit is Gone for VBI Microtel, 2006. An eagle soars through a 70s living room!
Nice n’ binary, from cpurecords via sheffieldbleep.
Monodraw – an ASCII-editor for the Mac under development. It’s presented primarily as a way to model ideas and structures, rather than making art.
Monodraw allows you to easily create text-based art – like diagrams, layouts, flow charts and visually represent algorithms, data structures, binary formats and more.
source. h/t: prostheticknowledge. (and yes, technically it’s Unicode and not ASCII)