Tag Archives: 2010

By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2010)


By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2010)

Advertising campaign for EA’s game Dante’s Inferno – found in the HTML code of Digg.com, 2010.


CNC-drilled Amiga ASCII logo for Skene Klubi by H7, 2010.

Apparently CAD messed it up a bit. More

The Future Starts Now – a 20×30 meter ASCII by Rikki Kasso, 2010. Placed on the Mejiro Kindergarten in Tokyo. The ASCII art was based on a photograph, infused with numbers and phrases about learning in English and Japanese. Rikki:

As I thought more into it, it became clear that this text in digital form also known as a “font” was also a brand new language that children will grow up with as an automatic second written language. A “Neo-Neanderthal” age where symbols and icons are used to reform communication.

Sort of like was argued here. More here and here.

PETSCII by iLKke for the Orb‘s Commodore PET demo (2010)

PETSCII on the Amiga by Otro for the NEW-D SLIDESHOW, released at Datastorm 2010. Music by Goto80.

By v5mt, 2010

From the Holy Ropes series by Christopher Kline, 2010-2013.