Tag Archives: custom charset

Made by Polyducks with a custom PETSCII-font, published in Mistigris’ March collection.

Tim Koch’s custom charset animations.

C64 PETSCII with custom font by DataDoor.

Textmode works by Polyducks for Mistigris 1117.

Jellica’s cosmic wolf in hebrew teletext, and remixed by Ray Manta with a custom PETSCII font.

Made by DataDoor with custom PETSCII-font.

Text-mode graphics by Tim Koch
with custom animated characters.

The last one is a remix of a picture by Jellica.

PETSCII-ANSI… sort of. By Polyducks 2016/2017.

Text-mode graphics by Polyducks for Mistigris’ new collection. Made in Rexpaint using custom characters and colours.

Ray Manta has started to work with custom character sets on the C64. Technically speaking (character encoding) this is all PETSCII, but…

Images from here and here.