PETSCII by Hein, 2021.
PETSCII by Hein, 2021.
PETSCII by christwoballs.
The Sysop is busy at Cottonwood BBS, via Dan James (2019). This was an example picture that came with Aaron Hightower’s Digital Paint 2.0 from 1989.
A2 PETSCII-poster by Tommi Musturi available here. Comes with an SD-card with music by Goto80 and Josh Bailey.
PETSCII poster by Tommi Musturi (Electric) for a secret party in New Zealand. Also used for Son Ionic, a music release by Goto80 with an SD-card attached to the poster.
Can a font be reworked with less than 128 bytes? Here are three examples from the well obscure 128b font compo. Made by Jammer, Mahoney and Jiminy.