Tag Archives: animation

“Video Coding – I’ll be there for you like I’ve been there before.”


ASCII-WM 2006 was a live ASCII-broadcast of the world cup in soccer. It was accessed about 15 million times – only via telnet. Apart from converting video to ASCII, it used the live commentary from Austrian TV, translated it to English with Babelfish, and put it in the stream.

The final matches were broadcast on local TV in Vienna with a speech synthesis reading the babelfishy commentary (see bottom image).

All pics via ascii-wm.net

Knight rider by Limbo, 1993. Amiga demo with PETSCII.

PETSCII on the Amiga by Otro for the NEW-D SLIDESHOW, released at Datastorm 2010. Music by Goto80.

Animal Romantics (2013).
Released today, this is an online maxi-single with visuals in Javascript PETSCII. Made by Raquel Meyers, evilpaul and Goto80 with remixes by Limonious, Dr. Vector, The Toilet, Steve and Ljudit Andersson. Released at Chipflip for the Wrong Biennale.

Check it out: CHIPFLIP.ORG/07 (new URL)

(pro tip: insert your own text & send romantic messages to ur friends)

Semi-petscii works by Max Capacity. Copied from his Flickr. Circa 2011-2012.

Hack n’ Trade PETSCII demos (2011-2013)
Acid Burger [2011]. Watch video here
In the Name of the Sword [2011]. Watch video here
Oso [2012]. Watch video here
Dansa in [2013]. Watch video here
20 Years Is Nothing [2013]. Watch video here

By v5mt, 2010


This week will be all in PETSCII, the colourful ASCII-version used by Commodore’s 8-bit computers. We’ve worked a lot with PETSCII the past two years ourselves, doing things like 2SLEEP1 (ambient), Oso (eerie) and live performances

The images above are from old posts we’ve made, see more at http://text-mode.tumblr.com/tagged/petscii. They are:

– Amiga demo New-D by Otro and Goto80 (2010)
Notemaker Demo II by Poison (2008)
– Amiga-demo 911 by Limbo (1997)
Cursor #15 Hawaii, originally by Ken Morley (1979).
20 Years Is Nothing by Hack n Trade (2013).
Video by Erik Nilsson & Joakim Alstorp, music by Frak (2010).
Commodore 64 disk directories
Yeep!Eep!Eep! (2010) by Daniel Temkin