The ASCII competition at the demoscene event Evoke, 2009. Music by Goto-Ötzi, king of Yetis.
The ASCII competition at the demoscene event Evoke, 2009. Music by Goto-Ötzi, king of Yetis.
Gelbart – My Favourite Vacation (2001). As of today, all of his albums are available at Bandcamp. And please don’t miss his ASCII video Please Don’t Use Drugs.
By CTRL+C & CTRL+V (2008)
Ascii version of Lewis Carroll’s The Mouse’s Tale, 1864 by David Palmer, who says he was ASCII-active 1998-2006.
by U sux!u0cFE21hPU (2008).
Norman Brosterman, Kindergarten Collection.
From the exhibition Inventing Kindergarten at the Williamson Gallery of the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, (2007)
Examples from iN dE diViNa pROPORTiONe sPERAMUs. Amiga ASCII by dMG, 2009.
Screenshot from Poison‘s Notemaker Demo II, 2004.
能 – Noh by CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-21
One of the most famous Japanese traditional arts and musical drama and started from 14th century.