Tag Archives: animation


Emo & Tick by Rita Sá. Animation series mostly from 2010-2011 but also 2021-2022.

(post updated in 2024)


モナーたちにハレ晴レユカイを躍らせてみた。(I tried to make the Monas dance Hare Hare Yukai) by naizouken426, 2007. Based on the Haruhi Dance from Hare Hare Yukai.


Toxic Wastes from A to Z (coming after you and me) by John Fekner is a parody of a children’s alphabet learning aid which runs alphabetically through a list of toxic pollutants. Martin Nisenholtz invites John Fekner, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and others to experiment with an early interactive computer graphics system (Telidon) at New York University’s Alternate Media Center (Interactive Telecommunications Program). Fekner received his first international award at Toronto’s Video Culture Festival in the Videotex category.

A day of a lonely dog by the Japanese artist Maki Ueda, 2000. Shown in a teletext exhibition on the Dutch channel NPS, also featuring works by Edwin van der Heide, JODI, Joost Rekveld and Wolf.

Post updated in 2024.

Reabracadabra by Eduardo Kac, 1985. Visual poem made for the Brazilian videotex service Videotexto, which was based on Minitel. I wrote about this work for Rhizome’s Net Art Anthology.

A mobile phone version was made in 2003. Post updated in 2024.

Stills from Graphic Variations on Telidon by Pierre Moretti, 1979 or 1980. The Telidon System was a videotex service developed by the Canadian Communications Research Centre (CRC) during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Video here. Post updated in 2024.

Twilight Zone, an ASCII-animation made for the VT100 terminal by Rudy Borkowski 1983-1984. In a comment on the video he writes:

I am the creator of the VT100 TwilightZone. (I also did one for The Outer Limits which, if I recall, has my name printed at the end). I created it by writing a program in Basic in VAX/VMS to emit the entire escape sequence into a file that could then be “printed” out to the screen. I did this either in 1983 or 1984. I was working at RCA Government Communications Systems Division at the time. For a few years I kept a copy of the original code but then on some job transition I lost all the code I wrote at RCA. That entire sequence simply came out of my imagination and desire to have fun with cursor addressing, which was a bit of a hobby of mine at the time.

The video is archived here. More VT100 can be found at textfiles.com.

Vestale sous contraintes (exercice ludique en courrier 10) by YT. A Perl-animation from 1993-1994. via