Tag Archives: brazil

By 1mpo$ter, 2023. He makes these mainly in the Houdini 3D-software, yep.

Works by 1mposter.

Book cover for Pedro Xisto’s Particulars, 1984. Features a poem by the author performed on a computer by Erthos Albino de Souza, according to this. via garadinervi

Reabracadabra, an animated Minitel piece by Eduardo Kac from 1985. It was recently restored and Rhizome is now showing it online in Net Art Anthologies. Accompanied by a text by Goto80.


Waiting for the next BlipBlop Party. http://bit.ly/blipblop-party

Big ASCII from an HTC ad shot in São Paulo, Brazil 2012. Video here.

Tweets by Margar!dA, 2014.

Álvaro Franca’s recent typewritten portraits of Bukowski, Lispector, Salinger, Saramago, Kerouac – who all used typewriters. Video and info on his website.

h/t: Kieran Nolan via Open Culture. More typewriter art here.

Tweets by Margar!dA, 2014.

Brazilian ad by brenner.es, 2014. A video of Gisele Bündchen & her underwear, converted to ASCII, running as animated text in the browser.

[archived, non-functional link]

via ldb’s ASCII art scoop, not functional anymore

(Updated 2024)