Can you read it? This is OPTICA Normal, a font inspired by Omar Rayo’s op art. Made by bluetypo.
Can you read it? This is OPTICA Normal, a font inspired by Omar Rayo’s op art. Made by bluetypo.
FatFonts Player by Santiago Ortiz lets you change animated patterns in realtime. The patterns are created with FatFonts that make higher numbers more bold. An unusual approach in the ASCII-world, also made by for example Jurriaan Schrofer.
Post updated in 2024.
Examples of AOL Macro Fonts, made here. These are ASCII fonts created specifically for the 10p Arial font of AOL in the 1990s. While most ASCII uses a monospaced font, this doesn’t (and neither does the Japanese Shift_JIS art). Specific tools for AOL ASCII such as Pepsi were developed.
In the late 90’s, little hacking programs known as “proggies” became popular in the underground warez scene of AOL (examples: AOHell and Fate-X). As these programs became more popular, many begain to feature “Macro Shops”, which were ASCII Art development areas. The user could develop their own ASCII Art and then scroll the text in an AOL chat room.
To generate your own logos and get more info go to INTERNET-LINK. More examples of AOL-style ASCII art here.
Today it would be Kafka’s 129th birthday. via dvdp
Specifically designed for decimal numbers whose boldness corresponds with it’s value, for use in data visualization:
The FatFonts technique is based on a new type of numeric typeface designed for visualization purposes that bridge the gap between numeric and visual representations. FatFonts are based on Arabic numerals but, unlike regular numeric typefaces, the amount of ink (dark pixels) used for each digit is proportional to its quantitative value. This enables accurate reading of the numerical data while preserving an overall visual context.
Fatfonts are designed so that the amount of dark pixels in a numeral character is proportional to the number it represents … This proportionality of ink is the main property of FatFonts. It allows us to create images of data where you can read the numbers, and represent tables that can be read as images.
You can find out more about the project here
bl by Triebkraft, 2007. ZX Spectrum demo with a custom font, it seems.
oase I by Ottar Ormstad, in bokstavteppekatalogen, 2011. This was made in Adobe InDesign, but he has also used more traditional concrete poetry methods since the 1960’s.
Post updated in 2024.